Full Post Timeline
What is tithing per Torah?
The Mishnah Walk Song =)
Hebrew Unlocked – Lesson 001
Why do we keep 2 days for moedim in the diaspora?
Is it incorrect to make a unique blessing?
Eating Kosher on a business trip
Sunday School
What is the Mishnah and why should I care?
Mishnah Torah, Biah, chapters 13 to 16 and the “congregation of the L-rd”
“Mishnaic Purism,” Public and Private Incumbency, Lessons 10 and 11 of “The Torah You Never Knew”
013 Mishneh Torah | Kings and their Wars 2.1-3.1
012 | Torah and the Jewish People | Kings and Their Wars, 1 | Sabbath in the Gospels, 1
010 Moed Katan, D’Oraitha and D’Rabbanan, Temple Tax, Achnai’s Oven
Member Questions
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